Monthly Meditation Circles with The Herd
WHEN: 3rd Thursday of each month @ 3:30 - 5 PM**
WHERE: Sitka Springs Ranch (Eureka CA)
After you register, visit the message boards on our Meetup site for address & directions
COST: $27
REGISTER: Go to meetup.com/spirit-horse-education
Engaging in meditation with horses gives you permission to get back into your animal & sensory body, feel your energetic connection to nature, sit in presence, slow down, and allow peaceful connection to yourself.
The event will consist of an introduction to healing work with horses, safety demo, and a 20 minute meditation with the horses. Afterward, we will have an opportunity to debrief and share our experience. We will end with some free time with the horses to close-out and give gratitude.
Anyone 16 and over can participate. No horse or meditation experience is required. No riding involved. Please wear close-toed shoes that can get dusty, and bring a jacket, hat, water, snack, or anything else you might need.
Really excited to have you join myself and the herd in circle!
**Please note: During the darker winter months we will be gathering earlier (3:30 - 5 pm). Please wear layers and warm hats as needed!
Heartmath & horsemanship
w/ Kansas Carradine

Take your riding and horse handling to the next level!
Learn specific techniques to energetically connect with your horse & regulate emotions through grounding exercises and breathing techniques. Develop self-awareness and create a better line of communication with your horse. Learn how to stabilize a heart-centered connection, reduce anxiety, fear, and improve confidence. Understand the relationship between human and horse nervous systems and how to navigate through trauma activation. Have fun asking deep questions in a safe, non-judgmental healing environment!
Recent studies conducted by the Institute of HeartMath provide a clue to explain the two-way "healing′′ that occurs when we're close to horses.
According to researchers, the heart has an electromagnetic field larger than the brain: a magnetometer can measure the energy field of the heart that radiates from 2.4 - 3 meters around the human body.
While this is certainly significant, perhaps more impressive than the electromagnetic field projected by the heart of a horse is five times larger than that of a human being (imagine an electromagnetic sphere around the horse) and it can influence straight into our own heart rate.
Horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a "coherent′′ heart rate (heart rate pattern) that explains why we can feel better when we're close to them. Studies have found a coherent heart pattern or HRV to be a solid measure of well-being and consistent with emotional states of calm and joy-that is, we exhibit such patterns when we feel positive emotions.
A coherent heart pattern is indicative of a system that can recover and adapt to stressful situations very efficiently. Many times, we just need to be in the presence of horses to feel a sense of well-being and peace.
In fact, research shows that people experience many physiological benefits by interacting with horses, including lower blood pressure and heart rate, higher beta-endorphins (neurotransmitters acting as pain suppressors), decreased stress levels, decreased feelings of anger, hostility, tension and anxiety, better social working; and greater feelings of empowerment, confidence, patience and self-efficacy.

May 4th & 5th, 2024
Sitka Springs Ranch, Eureka CA
Questions? Contact us at (707) 496-7785 or spirithorseeducation@gmail.com
Kansas Carradine - learn more about Kansas and her amazing work with horses and humans!
Saturday May 4th will be an all-day group clinic. We encourage you to bring and participate with your horse but you can also participate as an auditor (without a horse). Snacks & drinks provided, please bring a bagged lunch.
Group Clinic - Sliding Scale $150 - $350
Auditing $45
Sunday May 5th will be reserved for private sessions. Folks can bring their horses to work with Kansas one-on-one.
Individual Private Session - Sliding Scale $125 - $250